Rabu, 12 September 2012

Facebook Announces New Partnerships For Music, Movies And TV

Facebook took a leap Thursday towards making itself into what it hopes will be the social center for entertainment and media. Youll be able to see what movies and TV your friends are viewing, what music theyre listening to and what news items theyre reading. You could say Mark Zuckerberg dressed down for Facebooks annual developers conference in San Francisco. He wasnt wearing his infamous hoodie. He took the stage in jeans and a T-shirt. He introduced a much anticipated music sharing feature which he says will permit Facebook users to see what songs their friends are listening to on the cloud-based streaming service Spotify. “Its awesome how much music you can discover through your friends,” said Zuckerberg. “Its really cool. You just see it flow through on the side of your screen or on your news feed if there’s an interesting pattern. You discover a bunch of new stuff this way.” Zuckerberg says, even more importantly, you will be able to listen along with them if you subscribe to their feed. It will not just be music. Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, came on stage to introduce a feature on which his company is collaborating with Facebook. Hastings said a friend kept wanting him to view Breaking Bad, but he hadnt gotten around to it. Then he saw a notice on Facebook that his friend was viewing it. Using the prototype feature he went straight to Netflix without leaving the Facebook page. “I thought, That would be so cool. I click on Breaking Bad,” Hastings said, “and I realized, Oh my god,there it is right in front of me.” Hulu is also partnering with Facebook on a similar feature. News organizations such as Dow Jones will make it possible for you to see what your friends are reading, read along with them and chat in real time. Creative Strategies analyst Tim Bajarin thinks this is a really good opportunity for content makers. “Youre now discussing an audience of 800 million users [the estimated number of users on Facebook],” he says. “I mean that is just staggering — an audience such as that is, in essence, just a gigantic new opportunity.” But, says Nancy Baym, Professor of Communications Studies at the University of Kansas, it may not be that easy to get their attention. She notes people will be able to what their friends are doing on a recently rolled out feature called a ticker that scrolls down the side of the Facebook page. “Mine is going through pretty rapidly, which makes me think that a bunch of it is gonna get lost,” says Baym, as she viewes her ticker move. “Once every 100 things a song will come through and I may or may not be searching at that box at that particular moment.” Sharing stuff on a social networking site or a music streaming site isnt all that new. Whats unique about what Facebook announced Thursday is that these collaborations with content providers will keep you on the Facebook page for a very lengthy time — enabling the company to collect more information about you and send you more targeted ads. Theyll know what you eat, what you read, what you view. But even that might not be somewhat so new. Baym says it reminds her a bit of a company in the early 1990s. “Facebook is putting forth effort to recreate AOL of 1993 and be the only place you must go on the Internet,” she says. “AOL at that time was a one-stop shop. If you were an AOL subscriber you could use AOL — and you could use the rest of the Internet and all of your interaction and all of your discussion was happening with in the aol.com url.” Of course, we all know that AOL hasnt exactly been the success story that Facebook has. At the developers conference Zuckerberg announced that for the first time half a billion people were using his site at the same time.

How to get Google Adsense approval for Blogger

Have you a blog or website and want to earn a decent money from your blog. By this useful and informative article I am sure you will teach that how you can get free Google Adsense account approval for using of Free Blog/Blogger and we have also discussed here tips and tricks step by step.

In this article you will teach that how you get approval of Google Adsense by using of Free Blog Blogger and I have given very useful tips and tricks. This is not easy to get approval using of free Blog or Website. Google Adsense gives an opportunity of earning money honestly anywhere in the world for free. Adsense is an adserving programme which is run by Google. If you want to enroll in this money making progrmme, you have need a website or Blog. You can also join a Adsense revenue sharing sites get adsense approval through these sites for blogs. Google is very strict on the new applications for the Adsense. There are some useful tips for getting Adsense approval. If you have implemented on my tips and points you will be success to get Google Adsense account is totally free.  Every Blogger has dream to earn more money from free blog. Everyone wants to earn the maximum from his free blog by doing hard work. While there are many ways of earning from a blog the most preferred method is using Google Adsense and direct ad sales. While Google Adsense is the best earning solution and one can earn a good amount from Adsense, many people find it difficult to get approved into Google Adsense account. Many lose hope just after some attempts.

In order to maintain quality in Google Adsense, Google have to refuse some applications some times. A highly respected company can not just approve applications blindly as they also need to take care of their advertisers. Though the Adsense team only rejects the applications which are fake, duplicate or on which displaying Adsense ads will cause harm, sometimes even genuine and non duplicate applications get rejected. I know how bad it feels to get rejected. Now I give step by step suggestions and follow them how you get approval from Google.

1. Use your Original Names and not use Nicknames

While this mistake is infrequently done, there are a few people who unwittingly use their nicknames while registering Google Adsense. While there is nothing in a name, I feel using a nickname may get your account abandoned. I always suggest using your real names.

2.  Apply Only One time for your own Account

If you have two blogs both not having  Google Adsense, do not apply for two Adsense accounts for both blogs. If you have submitted an application and have not received the approval or rejection e-mail, do not apply for another account. I am sure the e-mail will come. Though it will take time, it will come. Normally it takes about 3 or 4 working days, but it may take more time if there are some holidays. Apply only once. You should have provide a valid and full address with Home number.

3.  Make Your free Blog,  Blogger consisting on quality contents

Google Adsense team only approves the sites which have good content both in terms of quality and quantity. They both should be in equal level. Concentrate on both the issues. I suggest focusing on Quality€ first because I feel people see the quality of the article and not the number of articles in your free Blog Blogger.

4. Solve Traffic Problems

A Free blog Blogger with no or very less traffic is not at all suitable for Google Adsense. Make sure that you can get more traffic before,  you applying for Google Adsense. Before applying for google adsense make sure atleast 50 unique articles should be on your blog.

5. Make Your Website or Blog with Professional Look

A Website or Blog with unprofessional and untidy look will not get approved in Adsense. Along with the content the site style and look also matters. Please keep in mind following tips and suggestion :

         1.  Use light colors and save your Blog for Website from unnecessary colors and layouts.

         2.  The design of your website is to be very simple and easy.

         3.  Insert links to all your pages with each other or given reference.

         4.  Ensure easy navigation properly.

         6.  Make your Free Blog Blogger simple and Informative

Blogger Blog is very simple and easy to earn money online. Your Blog Blogger have minimum 50 posts and each post have minimum 400 to 500 words for better results. Your blog Blogger have older more than 03 months and finally Make your Blog Blogger informative and useful for others and its   should be easy and good looking Search Engine friendly template if you want Search Engine friendly template please read my article.

I hope this useful article helped you follow the tips mentioned above I give ensure you that your account will be approved very quickly. Just follow all the tips and then apply this is very useful. If everything goes right, your application will be approved quickly without further delay. If you have any problem getting Google Adsense account please contact by comments  to this article.